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'Tarte' Recipes

Fresh Fruit Tart
Fresh Fruit Tart

Fresh Fruit Tart might be just the dessert you are searching for. This recipe serves 12. One portion

5 hours 35 minutes
Tarte aux Pommes
Tarte aux Pommes

Tarte aux Pommes might be a good recipe to expand your dessert recipe box. This recipe serves 6 and costs

45 minutes
Easy Mango Tart Recipe
Easy Mango Tart Recipe

The recipe Easy Mango Tart Recipe can be made in around 30 minutes. One portion of this dish contains

30 minutes
Curried Lamb Tarts
Curried Lamb Tarts

Curried Lamb Tarts takes approximately 45 minutes from beginning to end. For $2.37 per serving,

45 minutes
Apple Tarte Tatin
Apple Tarte Tatin

Apple Tarte Tatin is a dessert that serves 4. For $1.68 per serving, this recipe covers 10%

45 minutes
Fresh Tomato Tart
Fresh Tomato Tart

Fresh Tomato Tart requires around 45 minutes from start to finish. This recipe serves 8. For $2.63

45 minutes
Peach Crostata
Peach Crostata

You can never have too many dessert recipes, so give Peach Crostatan a try. This recipe serves 6 and

45 minutes
Baked Lemon Tart
Baked Lemon Tart

Baked Lemon Tart is a lacto ovo vegetarian recipe with 1 servings. One portion of this dish contains

45 minutes
Jam Tarts
Jam Tarts

Jam Tarts might be just the dessert you are searching for. This recipe makes 12 servings with 166

45 minutes
Mushroom Tart
Mushroom Tart

Mushroom Tart requires approximately 45 minutes from start to finish. One portion of this dish

45 minutes
Glazed Apple Tart
Glazed Apple Tart

Glazed Apple Tart might be a good recipe to expand your dessert recipe box. This recipe makes 8 servings

45 minutes
Bing's Lemon Tart
Bing's Lemon Tart

If you want to add more lacto ovo vegetarian recipes to your repertoire, Bing's Lemon Tart might

45 minutes
Miniature Fruit Tarts
Miniature Fruit Tarts

Miniature Fruit Tarts takes approximately 45 minutes from beginning to end. For 89 cents per

45 minutes
Zomppa's French Apple Tart
Zomppa's French Apple Tart

You can never have too many Mediterranean recipes, so give Zomppa's French Apple Tart a try. One portion

45 minutes